Thursday, January 12, 2006


The Rev. Dana Prom Smith, S.T.D.. Ph.D. (1/11/06)

Just like Pontius Pilate, the Republicans are trying to wash their hands of the taint of corruption. Rep. J.D. Hayworth of Arizona has returned nearly $13,000 from the notoriously venal lobbyist, Jack Abramoff, to two tribes who underwrote his five-time use of skyboxes at the MCI Center in Washington. One wonders how hockey and baseball games helped good ol’ J.D. represent the citizens of Arizona and the welfare of Native Americans. He may give the money back, but the ink still stains his hands.

And then there is Rep. John Shadegg of Arizona who wants to replace good ol’ boy Tom Delay, the disgraced Republican House leader from Texas. Cleanup Shadegg returned nearly $7,000 to one tribe and several charities. One of the contributions was undisclosed for five years in violation of federal law. Rep. Jeff Flake of Arizona is touting Cleanup John to replace the stigmatic Delay. Instead, how about a Republican with clean hands if one can be found?

Perhaps, the champion "returner" is Republican Senator Conrad Burns of Montana. He’s trying to wash the ink of $150,000 off his hands. Clearly, the Republicans haven’t heard that bank robbers are frequently caught because ink from their stolen money has besmirched them. Giving the money back won’t work in a court of law for bank robbers or the court of public opinion for politicians.

Rep. Rick Renzi and Rep. Jim Kolbe, both of Arizona, do not plan to return any of their ill-gotten gain, apparently believing, like Caesar’s wife, they are above the ink of corruption.

Senators John McCain and Jon Kyl said they are sending their Abramoff money back claiming with straight faces that they were unaware of its origins. Senator McCain received the tainted money all the while he was investigating the corruption. Senator Kyl has long been opposed to tighter controls on lobbyists and their money like Jack Abramoff.

My wife received an unsolicited cashier’s check for several thousand dollars in the mail from a group in Regina, Saskatchewan, promising her more money if she would first send them money. Straightaway, she reported the offer to the F.B.I. Clearly, Senators McCain and Kyl either don’t have my wife’s smarts or aren’t straightaway types.

Surprise, surprise, these Pontius Pilates Reduci all come from states with large Native American populations, the people on whom Jack Abramoff preyed. These Republicans have stolen their good names and the citizens’ trust while crucifying the nation.

Copyright © Dana Prom Smith 2006


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