Friday, December 07, 2007

The Rev. Dana Prom Smith, S.T.D., Ph.D. (12/6/07)

During the Great Depression of the 1930’s, President Roosevelt and the Democrats used the federal government’s power to restore the nation’s welfare. The Republicans fought them tooth and toe nail with cries for limited federal government intervention, states’ rights, and balanced budget. President Roosevelt believed that a thriving economy meant people working and earning money, not a comfortable wealthy class.

Over the years the Republicans have repudiated their own objections to Roosevelt’s use of the federal government. They’ve tried to abrogate states’ rights by proposing constitutional amendments outlawing abortion and homosexual marriages. They’ve tried to intrude into deathbeds and wombs. They’ve produced the greatest deficits in history. Roosevelt used the federal government to promote the welfare of the poor and the middle classes. The Republicans beginning with President Reagan and culminating in President Bush have used the federal government to wage war on the poor and the middle classes in favor of sociopathic corporations, banks, drug companies, insurance companies, etc.

President Bush and the Republicans lied about the Iraqi war, and now we hear that he and they’ve lied to us again about Iran’s nuclear capabilities to justify military action against Iran. One of the victims of their deceits has been our military, a used up army and Marine Corps, dead and maimed soldiers, and enormous waste of heroism at the hands of a draft dodger and a favored son who ignored his military duty. They’ve been incompetent, arrogant, and deceitful.

Vote Republican and get more of the same.


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