The Rev. Dana Prom Smith, S.T.D., Ph.D. (12/5/2010)
Accusers often reveal more about themselves in their accusations than they do about the accused. Disapproving finger-pointing at gays and lesbians reveals an internal discomfort in the finger pointers, especially about gays. Lesbians aren’t as socially disquieting to the accusers as are gay men. At any rate, the accusers merely reveal their fear of coping with behaviors outside of their social perimeters. So when Senator McCain rails against the gays in the military, he is not railing against the troops’ ability to behave well, he is merely exposing the severe limits of his own behavioral repertoire. And a pathetic portrait it is of a bitter old man.
The Republican accusations that President Obama’s health care plan would lead to a rationing of health care, particularly to older people, have come to pass, only it wasn’t older people, but poorer people. The accusers revealed in their accusations just what they had in mind. They wanted to ration health care, even to the point of signing a death warrant. Only this time, it wasn’t a bitter old man who signed the warrant; it was our bitter governor who has already demonstrated that she doesn’t like Latinos.
Francisco Felix, a father of four, died because Governor Brewer and her cohorts rationed health care. If the Republicans want to ration health care, as they have done, then they should set out their criteria as to who gets the care and who doesn’t. It’s ghoul time in Phoenix.
Awesome...LOL !! Its time to see great writing again, like the good old black and white movies that had so much morality, good acting and good writing !! Bravo.
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