Friday, January 27, 2006


The Rev. Dana Prom Smith, S.T.D., Ph.D. (1/27/06)

With a maladroit series of political maneuvers the Republicans in the Arizona State Legislature have made asses of themselves, largely because they don’t know where they stand.

One the one hand, the claim they want to protect the border, and, yet toadies to corporate interests that they are, they do nothing really effective to protect the border. The reason is simple. Their corporate masters want cheap labor even if it risks American security. The result is that they vote their masters’ pocket books rather than their patriotism.

And then these maladroit Republicans claim to foster English as "English Only." If they really wanted English only, they would’ve supported Governor Napolitano rather than fight her with outlandish schemes to favor their corporate masters. They try to serve two masters, and Jesus has told us already what happens to those who try that folly. Bad Time at Black Rock. It’s time they start serving their real masters, the people. Joshua asked the children of Israel, "How long will you go limping between two different opinions?" Corporate welfare or the welfare of the people?

Finally, the issue of life’s sacredness scars them. Sometimes, they don’t give a damn about life, craving execution as a policy of the state, and then they want to protect it in their opposition to abortion. Consistency, not a Republican virtue, seems beyond their grasp as though knee jerk reaction rather than clear thinking is their substitute for thought and policy.

Would anyone want to buy a used car from these turkeys? Right now, the Republicans are a sorry lot, limping along, saying one thing, doing another, false to the people.

Copyright (c) Dana Prom Smith 2006


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