Thursday, April 27, 2006


The Rev. Dana Prom Smith, S.T.D., Ph.D. (4/18/06)

Many Republican politicians claim the newspapers and television stations have distorted the police reports about Clifton Bennett and Kyle Wheeler homosexually abusing boys at a summer camp designed to teach young boys civic responsibility and leadership. Not so. If anything the news media were kind. The police reports are worse, far worse. It is one more case of Republican deceits and cover-ups.

The media reported that Kyle Wheeler assaulted a few boys. Actually, he choked a several boys into unconsciousness while Clifton Bennett watched. This was vicious, perverse, and depraved behavior.

The media reported that the boys were “broomed.” The boys were held down while clothed and then broomsticks and other objects to stuck up with rectums. This behavior by Clifton Bennett and Kyle Wheeler is not “hazing.” It is vicious, perverse, and depraved, hardly the kind of behavior one would expect of a missionary. Anyone with small children would be well-advised to hide them if Clifton Bennett came by on his Mormon mission. He should probably be chased away with a broomstick.

These homosexual criminals are mean. They released the spray from an aerosol canister into the cabin of a boy with asthma. He had to return home.

The whole affair brings up the fact that Yavapai County is not a safe place for young boys, not because of Bennett and Wheeler, but because Sheila Polk, the County Attorney, won’t protect them when they are assault, abused, and humiliated. She said her purpose is to protect the elderly. Apparently, she lets the young fend for themselves.

Not only does the affair call into question the integrities of the Yavapai County Attorney and Prosecutor, but also the Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter Day Saints. Would it actually send someone as perverse as Clifton Bennett on a mission? When is it going to stand up to decry this behavior? At least the Roman Catholics finally owned up to molesting children and paid the price. Will the Mormons or will they protect their own with silence? As far as the Republican Party is concerned, they are so corrupt that no one expects them to stand up for anything worthwhile. For all of them there is eventually public outrage and God’s sure and certain judgment. Petrarch said that the hottest places in hell are reserved for those who sat down when they should have stood up.


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