Sunday, February 05, 2006


The Rev. Dana Prom Smith, S.T.D., Ph.D. (2/5/06)

President Bush fondly touts his economic program. He brags about increasing the number of jobs without mentioning that it’s the lowest increase since the 1960's. In other words, he brags about a C. He didn’t mention that the newly created jobs pay far less than the jobs lost during his watch. He gets a D.

While some may rejoice over the Dow Jones breaking the 11,000 mark, most Americans measure economic health by their incomes, not the stock market. Based on inflation, the average American family is making less money than before Bush got his hands on the government. How about a D minus?

To finance his Iraqi War and tax cuts for the wealthy, he has spent the nation further into a deepening debt. He has cut benefits to veterans, the elderly, students, and the poor. His economic policy is crushing the middle class and grinding the face of the poor in the dust by reducing the annual incomes of the middle class and the poor. He has shortchanged the education of the young. Clearly, the Republicans are engaged in a virulent, systematic assault on the middle class and the poor. So much for the Compassionate Conservative. More like Simon Legree. F minus.

Nearly 50% of our national debt is held by Communist China. Bush has us in hock to our adversary right up to our eyeballs. Wither the great American Superpower? Along with Representative Rick Renzi, Senators Jon Kyl and John McCain, Bush should be flunked out.

Copyright © Dana Prom Smith 2006


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