The Rev. Dana Prom Smith, S.T.D., Ph.D. (12/26/07)
Greed is the vice that makes capitalism work just as it’s the vice that destroys capitalism. Lust for power is the vice that makes democracy work just as it’s the vice that destroys democracy. The only saving grace is a government willing to check greed by a system of taxes penalizing the most successful of greediest and an openness that exposes the corruption inherent in a successful lust for political power. Having done neither, the Bush Administration and the Republicans are threats to capitalism and democracy.
Greed makes capitalism work because it motivates people to work hard, to scheme, and to take risks. However, if left unchecked, the rich get richer, and the poor get poorer. This Christmas luxury items are selling like hotcakes while clothing languishes and gas prices rise. What did Bush and the Republicans do? They cut taxes for the rich, the oil companies, and other sociopathic corporations.
In a stunning fusion of greed and lust for power, they lied us into a war in Iraq that enriched corporations, such as Halliburton, previously managed by our favorite old draft dodger, Vice President Cheney.
As for the politicians’ lust for power, it’s been unchecked by the Bush Administration’s secrecy. Inevitably, unchecked lust for power breeds corruption. The Bush Administration is a government of secrecy and corruption.
The Democrats haven’t been much help. They talk tough, but weenie out, afraid of being called names by a windshield cowboy who’s afraid of horses and can’t pronounce nuclear.
Copyright © Dana Prom Smith 2007
The Rev. Dana Prom Smith, S.T.D., Ph.D. (12/26/07)
Greed is the vice that makes capitalism work just as it’s the vice that destroys capitalism. Lust for power is the vice that makes democracy work just as it’s the vice that destroys democracy. The only saving grace is a government willing to check greed by a system of taxes penalizing the most successful of greediest and an openness that exposes the corruption inherent in a successful lust for political power. Having done neither, the Bush Administration and the Republicans are threats to capitalism and democracy.
Greed makes capitalism work because it motivates people to work hard, to scheme, and to take risks. However, if left unchecked, the rich get richer, and the poor get poorer. This Christmas luxury items are selling like hotcakes while clothing languishes and gas prices rise. What did Bush and the Republicans do? They cut taxes for the rich, the oil companies, and other sociopathic corporations.
In a stunning fusion of greed and lust for power, they lied us into a war in Iraq that enriched corporations, such as Halliburton, previously managed by our favorite old draft dodger, Vice President Cheney.
As for the politicians’ lust for power, it’s been unchecked by the Bush Administration’s secrecy. Inevitably, unchecked lust for power breeds corruption. The Bush Administration is a government of secrecy and corruption.
The Democrats haven’t been much help. They talk tough, but weenie out, afraid of being called names by a windshield cowboy who’s afraid of horses and can’t pronounce nuclear.
Copyright © Dana Prom Smith 2007
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