The Rev. Dana Prom Smith, S.T.D., Ph.D. (4/13/08)
The sentiment, “There’s no fool like an old fool,” comes to mind watching Bill Clinton on the hoof. Generally, one of the benefits of age is an acquired wisdom, but with Bill Clinton he has simply become “more so,” the same old Arkansas backwoods “Slick Willie” who’s still in enchanted with himself, only “more so.”
Which brings to mind the woman who has stuck with him. What on earth would induce a well-educated, attractive, accomplished, intelligent woman to hang with Slick Willie? Any self-respecting woman would have kicked him to the curb a long time ago and would’ve been admired for it. The obvious answer is that she hitched her wagon to his star, which has become a galactic fizzle.
Comparing presidents, Bill Clinton was certainly been far better than the current occupant who’s demonstrated his incompetence while selling out the country. However, Bill's gone down hill since then, feathering his nest while plucking the chicken.
Hillary Clinton would make a great president, a lot better than McCain’s soured vintage, if it were not for Bill. The thought of him wandered through the corridors of the White House, shooting off his mouth, makes me ill. He’s too narcissistic to shut his mouth, and so far she hasn’t muzzled him.
I’m wearied of the Bushes. They’ve screwed up the country everytime they gotten into power. I’m also weary of Slick Willie’s conceits and deceits . It would be nice to have integrity. Obama at least makes noises in that direction.
The Rev. Dana Prom Smith, S.T.D., Ph.D. (4/13/08)
The sentiment, “There’s no fool like an old fool,” comes to mind watching Bill Clinton on the hoof. Generally, one of the benefits of age is an acquired wisdom, but with Bill Clinton he has simply become “more so,” the same old Arkansas backwoods “Slick Willie” who’s still in enchanted with himself, only “more so.”
Which brings to mind the woman who has stuck with him. What on earth would induce a well-educated, attractive, accomplished, intelligent woman to hang with Slick Willie? Any self-respecting woman would have kicked him to the curb a long time ago and would’ve been admired for it. The obvious answer is that she hitched her wagon to his star, which has become a galactic fizzle.
Comparing presidents, Bill Clinton was certainly been far better than the current occupant who’s demonstrated his incompetence while selling out the country. However, Bill's gone down hill since then, feathering his nest while plucking the chicken.
Hillary Clinton would make a great president, a lot better than McCain’s soured vintage, if it were not for Bill. The thought of him wandered through the corridors of the White House, shooting off his mouth, makes me ill. He’s too narcissistic to shut his mouth, and so far she hasn’t muzzled him.
I’m wearied of the Bushes. They’ve screwed up the country everytime they gotten into power. I’m also weary of Slick Willie’s conceits and deceits . It would be nice to have integrity. Obama at least makes noises in that direction.
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