The Rev. Dana Prom Smith, S.T.D., Ph.D. (3/6/08)
The Democratic Party is misnamed, resembling more an Oligarchic Party with ordinary delegates and super-delegates than a democratic party. While the British have been slowly whittling away at the power of House of Lords, a residue of the late Middle Ages, the Democrats have created a House of Super-Delegates to hold in check the allegedly unpredictable power of the Ordinary Delegates.
Hatched by old-line regulars within the Democratic Party allegedly to stabilize the party from the destabilizing effects of its leftists and radicals, the concept of Super-Delegates is a policy of self-contempt as though they’re ashamed of themselves.
As Senator Obama is fond of pointing out, it is the old-line Democratic regulars playing politics as usual with the nut bag Republicans who’ve gotten us into our present mess.
Some say that the Super-Delegates would never countermand the decisions of the primary voters because it would be a suicide for the party. Don’t bet on it. Democratic leaders have always had a suicidal bent, choosing defeat on the cusp of victory.
Since they don’t trust the primary voters, they self-elected an elite group to manage the party. Anytime someone with a lust for power gives themselves special powers they’re not to be trusted as in President Bush.
Senator Obama is right. The political establishent has been wrong. We’re still at war in Iraq. The House and the Senate are still corrupt. Our borders are insecure. Nothing has gotten done. So what do the Democrats do? They create an oligarchy of privilege.
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