The Rev. Dana Prom Smith, S.T.D., Ph.D. (10/11/08)
When John McCain failed to make eye contact with Barack Obama during the first debate, political pundits commented on the odd behavior without understanding its significance. In Mexican culture it indicates submission, but John McCain isn't Mexican so submission seems out of the running. In the general America culture, it indicates one of two things. People tend to avert their gaze when they are lying. When they don't and keep a steady gaze while lying, they are sociopaths without guilt. Sometimes, sociopaths will reveal a little residual guilt with a tic in the corner of their eyes.
John McCain isn't a sociopath so he averts his gaze. Sarah Palin looks people straight in the eye while lying without a semblance of a tic.
The second reason which is closely allied to the first is shame. When people with consciences lie, they feel ashamed and avert their gaze. John McCain feels ashamed because of his lies. Sarah Palin has shown no indication of shame, not even a flicker.
McCain's smile is a curiosity. It isn't a smile so much as it's a grimace. He smiles without mirth, a smile of constipation. It's hard to imagine John McCain with a belly laugh. That would be too much out of control and might result in flatulence
Sarah Palin enjoys lying, sticking it people. She's relishes slashing and burning, practicing the politics of destruction and alienation. On the contrary, without mirth John McCain doesn't enjoy himself as he becomes what he inwardly despises.
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