The Rev. Dana Prom Smith, S.T.D., Ph.D. (9/6/08)
Even though Rick Krug is "formally educated in historical Christian theology" with a master's degree to prove it, his argument is flawed. In the first place, he begins with the Holy Bible, not with Jesus Christ. Christians aren't "Bible believers." They're Christ believers as their name indicates. "Jesus is the pioneer and perfecter of our faith (Heb. 12:2)."
The authority of the Holy Bible rests in its witness to Jesus Christ, not in itself. Martin Luther said that the Scriptures were the cradle in which Christ has been laid, that is to say, they convey the message of the Christ and that is their sole authority. They should be interpreted in the context of Jesus Christ which means that not all passages are of equal value. They are not the message. Christ is the message, and Christ's message is grace, grace to everyone whether or not anyone approves of them.
The Christian message is not a conventional anti-vice morality which is a cheapening of grace, but rather the radical ethic of grace to all. Matthew said it best, "God with us" which amongst other things means not against us. "Us" is homosexuals as well as heterosexuals. "Us" includes "trans-genders." While one may like or dislike such behavior, approval or disapproval is irrelevant. The message is grace for those who others condemn. As Saint Paul said, "It is God who justifies, who is condemn?"
It's way past time for Fundamentalists and Evangelicals to get with Christ's program.
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