The Rev. Dana Prom Smith, S.T.D., Ph.D. (5/16/08)
“Sinking ships deserting a rat” fits Republican politicians and President Bush. My professor of Greek, Marcus Barth, while I was a graduate student at the University of Chicago was a German speaking Swiss and consistently mangled American idioms. “Sinking ships deserting a rat” was one of his best.
President Bush is a rat for comparing Barack Obama to the craven European politicians who appeased Hitler and the Nazi’s during the 1930’s. A Republican said the other day that the reason Bush is ill-regarded by most Americans is that cannot speak clearly. His fear-mongering was clear in Jerusalem. Apparently, Republican loyalty so obfuscates the mind that it destroys the senses, as in smelling a rat. At first, Bush first came across as a regular guy, then a little slow, next indifferent, and now evil. Worse, Straight Talk McCain has joined Bush's rat race. McCain’s no independent. He’s a Republican and fights dirty.
Now that the Republicans keep losing congressional seats in by-elections the Republican National Committee is advising Republican candidates to avoid connections with Bush. The sinking ships are deserting the rat. Of course, people will remember that for seven years they closely allied themselves to Bush, their present defections compounding their malfeasance with disloyalty.
Now, some Republicans are calling themselves Independents. “Neat trick if you can do it.” Republican politicians are even smirking at themselves, like Jon Kyl, no longer believing their own lies, not even believing that others will believe their lies. Seven years of Rodentia has its prices.
Copyright © Dana Prom Smith 2008
The Rev. Dana Prom Smith, S.T.D., Ph.D. (5/16/08)
“Sinking ships deserting a rat” fits Republican politicians and President Bush. My professor of Greek, Marcus Barth, while I was a graduate student at the University of Chicago was a German speaking Swiss and consistently mangled American idioms. “Sinking ships deserting a rat” was one of his best.
President Bush is a rat for comparing Barack Obama to the craven European politicians who appeased Hitler and the Nazi’s during the 1930’s. A Republican said the other day that the reason Bush is ill-regarded by most Americans is that cannot speak clearly. His fear-mongering was clear in Jerusalem. Apparently, Republican loyalty so obfuscates the mind that it destroys the senses, as in smelling a rat. At first, Bush first came across as a regular guy, then a little slow, next indifferent, and now evil. Worse, Straight Talk McCain has joined Bush's rat race. McCain’s no independent. He’s a Republican and fights dirty.
Now that the Republicans keep losing congressional seats in by-elections the Republican National Committee is advising Republican candidates to avoid connections with Bush. The sinking ships are deserting the rat. Of course, people will remember that for seven years they closely allied themselves to Bush, their present defections compounding their malfeasance with disloyalty.
Now, some Republicans are calling themselves Independents. “Neat trick if you can do it.” Republican politicians are even smirking at themselves, like Jon Kyl, no longer believing their own lies, not even believing that others will believe their lies. Seven years of Rodentia has its prices.
Copyright © Dana Prom Smith 2008
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