The Rev. Dana Prom Smith, S.T.D., Ph.D. (4/14/08)
Hillary Clinton calling Barack Obama an elitist is akin to the pot calling the kettle black. Without noble lineage, Hillary Clinton climbed the social and political ladder along with Bill to become la nouvelle élite, having already become nouveau riche. Now, as a country we’ve celebrated our belief in equality by electing a president of noble lineage who ran as a regular guy and proved himself under-equal.
Hillary accuses Barack Obama of elitism when he points out what she knows to be true. Poor people, people who’ve lost their jobs, and people who have a hard time scraping by are resentful and bitter. Perhaps, Hillary for all of her pitié élitiste hasn’t been in the trenches with the poor to know that they’re bitter.
Also, with her pious language, she avoids the truth that the poor and afflicted often turn to religion for solace. Sadly, she attacks Obama for pointing out a truth, that the poor are often bitter and sometimes seek solace in faith.
Then there is John McCain, the scion of admirals and a graduate of the Naval Academy, who blames the poor for being poor, having been publicly financed his whole life. Blithely unaware of the poor and the dispossessed, as an elitist, he calls Obama an elitist.
As members of the political elite who’ve brought us to this sad pass of war and recession, they should read Isaiah 3:15, “What do you mean by crushing my people, by grinding the face of the poor?”
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