The Rev. Dana Prom Smith, S.T.D., Ph.D. (5/1/08)
Hillary Clinton, John McCain, and George W. Bush have proposed a moratorium on the federal gasoline tax during the summer months, a pathetic $30.00 reprieve. They’re not only incompetent but also impotent, being beholden to the oil companies.
The gasoline summertime tax moratorium is akin to the recent giveaway to income taxpayers as a means of stimulating the economy, only it’s more measly. Clinton, McCain, and Bush sound like the French Queen Marie Antoinette before she was beheaded in the French Revolution. On hearing the people had no bread, she said, “Let them eat cake.” Our trio are throwing out bits and pieces of cake believing the citizens are stupid enough to be bought off this summer with crumbs. Cynicism to the max.
When Clinton, McCain, and Bush agree, something is rotten in Washington. What’s rotten is that they created the problem and consequently they’ve no idea how to fix it. The problem is that we rely on unstable, even hostile, nations for our energy, rather than developing our own sources of energy. We have had an administration which has been in the pockets of oil-rich tyrants with either the acquiescence or collusion of the Congress. They’ve spent money to get to the moon and back but haven’t invested the same money and energy in renewable sources of energy.
They’ve been inside the halls of power for so long that they’ve forgotten that the sun and the wind are outside still shining and blowing, just waiting to be harnessed.
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