Sunday, May 18, 2008


The Rev. Dana Prom Smith, S.T.D., Ph.D. (5/18/08)

The triumph of the carefully crafted Cheney-Bush oil policy was finally demonsrated in the two trips of President Bush to Saudi Arabia where he begged the oil tyrant for more oil, only to have his supplications discarded. One doubts that Bush has enough wit to know he and the United States were humiliated, especially after we saved the Saudi king’s ass in the First Bush Gulf War.

On Bush’s last return from his obsequious journey to Saudi Arabia he announced that the United States had to rely on itself for its energy, as though he had just had an epiphany. Of course, any damned fool would have known that all along. Self-reliance has always been considered an American cardinal virtue until our politicians and corporate magnates decided that becoming dependent on Arab tyrants was a good thing for corporate profits. The Bush family is chummy with Arab oil tyrants.

Dick Cheney hails from Wyoming where they have oil, coal, and wind. He advocated coal and oil and ignored wind as a part of his energy policy. If there has been one consistent in his energy policy, it has been using up non-renewable sources of energy on the general premise that leaving the earth worse than one has found it is good for corporate profits. Cheney was supposed to be the smart one in the Bush-Cheney team. Not so. Just the greediest.

T. Boone Pickens is right. The Texas oil billionaire and financial scoundrel is putting his money on a Texas wind farm, like two billion dollars.


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