Thursday, February 09, 2012


The Rev. Dana Prom Smith, S.T.D., Ph.D.  (2/9/2012)

As I get it, a bunch of old, unmarried guys who’ve failed at policing themselves about sexually abusing  small boys want to compel the federal government to enforce one of their doctrines about sex. They call themselves bishops and wear elaborate costumes. Now, mind you, the doctrine in question has no basis in the Bible, the standard source for doctrines. It actually stems from Aristotle’s theory of natural law which is not widely endorsed.

The wonder is that old guys who’ve never lived with a woman are hell bent on enforcing an abstract doctrine on people who don’t practice what the old guys preach. 90% of Roman Catholics practice birth control so these old guys are forcing a non-biblical doctrine on people who neither believe it nor practice it. What an absurdity!

Apparently, they have no idea what happens when a man and a woman sleep together in committed relationships. Love making at its best is not scheduled.

The heart of Roman Catholicism is profoundly worthwhile and admirable. The problem is these old guys who cover up their own sins with small boys while trying to tell men and women how to manage their intimacies. The current problems with Roman Catholicism are not with Roman Catholicism but with its top down, medieval, authoritarian bureaucracy. Shame on the bishops.