Dana Prom Smith
Romney and his right-wing Fundamentalist supporters are unaware of the parable
of the Good Samaritan where the chief virtue was helping those in distress
(Luke 10:29-37). According to Jesus
Christ, acts of mercy to the down-trodden and despised, “the least of these my
brethren” are acts of mercy to Him (Matt. 25:40.)
They’ve rejected the moral code of reaching
out to those in need, that is to say, mercy and grace, replacing mercy and
grace with moral purity. Their aim is to
prove themselves morally superior to those in trouble as though their station
in life was the result of their purity instead of their self-aggrandizement,
commonly called greed. The result is
that their relationship to the world is one of condemnation and accusation of the
so-called 47%. They are self-righteous
and censorious.
to cast the first stone, they try to pass themselves off as Christians all the
while subverting and displacing the Gospel with an antagonist message of greed
and sanctimoniousness. Perhaps, it’s
best illustrated by Paul Ryan who claims to be a Roman Catholic but espouses
the sophomoric atheism and social Darwinism of Ayn Rand’s “get what you can and
to hell with everyone else.” They ought
to get their message straight and admit they are not their brother’s keeper but
rather are their brother’s antagonist.
They want a government which favors the one percent and everyone else
takes the hindmost. They bring to mind those
prophets in sheep's clothing who are inwardly ravening wolves.
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