The Rev. Dana Prom Smith, S.T.D.,
Ph.D. (1/20/2013)

bellicose Republican Party has allied itself with the National Rifle
Association in a promise to Americans of an assault weapon in every pot. Such bellicosity is a sign of impotence, such
as the infamous rebel yell. The strong
don’t make threats, only the weak.
Hoover in the presidential campaign of 1928 promised a “chicken in every pot
and a car in every garage,” and we know what came of that promise, the Great
Depression of 1929. Following Hoover ’s example, the
Republicans with a disapproval rate of 64 percent and an approval rate of 27
percent are classic losers.

In their continued
self-immolation, the Republicans seem intent on supporting unpopular causes,
such as falling over fiscal cliffs and chiseling on our debts as a nation. Now, they’re supporting assault weapons or
magazines jammed with endless bullets.
The issue isn’t the Second Amendment.
It’s not that these weapons and magazines are used to massacre lots of
people. It’s their emotional value of
giving losers the feeling they’re strong by possessing the artificial power of
destruction and defiance.