The Rev. Dana Prom Smith, S.T.D., Ph.D. (8/9/09)
Frenzy has overtaken the Republican opposition to President Obama as though it's in the final stages of a self-inflicted extermination. The frenzy is exampled by a grasping for life by lies. Whether or not the frenzied believe their own lies, they lie which is a sure sign of impotence. The truth is not making them free but imprisoning them in their own deceits.
The electronically disembodied voice on my telephone said the government would determine how I died if President Obama's health insurance initiative passed, offing me to save money. In addition to lying, it played on a fear rooted in ignorance. Expectedly, it was the work of Washington lobbyists paid by an insurance company.
The Republican Party has long been spiraling into extinction, proofed by its opposition to Sonia Sotomajor becoming a Justice of the Supreme Court. Beginning with their so-called "Southern Strategy," the Republicans decided to woo Southerners in a race-based policy, inevitably becoming a regional party.
Not only has it decided to be "Whites Only" with a few token
Blacks and Hispanics, it's decided to go elderly. With personalities like oysters, they say they want to expand the appeal of the Republican Party and then vote against the confirmation of a female Hispanic. Actually, they want to be an aged, white, male party composed of old geezers like themselves with a female Alaskan cracker for vitality's illusion. With a smile like a grimace, John McCain has become the face of the Republican Party and Rush Limbaugh its brains.
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