The Rev. Dana Prom Smith, S.T.D., Ph.D. (3/14/09)
Maureen Dowd reported in the New York Times that her fellow columnist, David Brooks, believes that "Washington is sensually avoidant." While that may be true, it's certainly not true that it's sexually avoidant. Senator David Vitter, R. La., was recently found to have had a liaison with a well-known Washington madam, and Bro. Vitter was simply one more instance of a long line of Congresspersons who have made prostitution a flourishing trade in Washington.
Mr. Brooks statement was in relationship to Michelle Obama's biceps. Perhaps, the political inhabitants of Washington would be less likely to fall into the arms of illicit sexual encounters if they were a little more sensual in the first place. Their avoidant sensuality has made them disconnected from life, as though reality were somehow abstractly cerebral. Just think what would have happened if those right-wing wonks in the Bush Administration grasped the fact that their policies were giving lots of children abdominal pangs from lack of food.
One suspects that for the politicians in Washington sex is more a power trip than an adventure in sensuality, else why would they pay for it? Apparently, they like to buy people as a means of social control.
With their brains idling in neutral the Republicans are frightened by a woman's arms that don't wave. I've been wondering for a long time why the Republicans are so out of it, and Mr. Brooks has provided the answer. The Republicans are avoidant personalities which means that they're hopelessly out of it.
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