The Rev. Dana Prom Smith, S.T.D., Ph.D.
So what's wrong with socialism? Our municipal water system in Flagstaff is socialism at work and working quite well. We'd certainly be better off if our gas and electrical systems were run by a government agency rather than corporate capitalists who're more interested in profits than low rates. With socialized gas and electricity we'd have more money to invest in the economy. Next, the corporate types will try to privatize the air, charging extra for clean air.
Corporate Republicans are proposing privatizing some highways in Arizona, a fiasco tried in California several years ago on sections of the 91 Freeway. They built special fast track lanes with the result than most of the cars on the fast track lanes were Beamers, Caddies, Lexults, and Mercedes, that is, they got their own private highway.
Ever since the administration of Ronald Reagan the corporate capitalists have had the free reign of the country, and look at the mess they've made of things. They actually thought that greed would motivate us to greatness. Remember Reagan got his start pitching Chesterfield cigarettes because of their health benefits.
After effectively nationalizing the banks to bail themselves out of the mess they created, corporate Republicans are now raising bonuses, increasing dividends, and throwing lavish parties with the tax payers' money. As bad as governmental bureaucrats can be, they're nothing compared to Republican corporate, soviet-style apparatchiks grinding the faces of the poor and everyone else in the dust. It may be time to try a little socialism.
In "Mutual Aid: A Factor of Evolution" ( Porter Sargent, Boston, reprint of 1914 edition), Peter Kropotkin, from observation and history of mutual aid within animal and human populations concludes that at least among more complex societies (including ant, bird, bee, rodent, wolf, monkey, savage, barbarian, medieval, 19th century European village, guild, labor union, 'countless societies for combined action in all possible circumstances') that we and the animals have adapted to mutual aid and cooperation. Does this great work make a case for socialism (as the word is used today, or anarchy, as Kropotkin was accused of advocating)? Are red-flag words like "socilalism", or even "Marxism" or "communism", labels that invite shallow thought?
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