The Rev. Dana Prom Smith, S.T.D., Ph.D. (2/24/09)
Republicans are currently having a hissy fit, posturing that they won't take money from the stimulus bill for their states because they don't like the bill philosophically. Apparently, they want to punish the citizens of their states by refusing funds that might help the same citizens. It's like losing an argument with a spouse and then kicking the cat.
The definition of hissy fit is the same as that for a tantrum, "an emotional outburst of ill humor or a fit of bad temper wherein the higher brain functions are unable to stop the emotional expression of the lower (emotional and physical) brain functions."
Most of the funds the Republicans believe they cannot accept on ideological grounds are funds for such things as unemployment benefits and foreclosures, that is, funds that would directly help people. Their higher brain functions haven't yet calibrated the correlation between votes and helping the unemployed and the foreclosed, like they can vote.
While they don't mind welfare for corporations, as in bank bailouts, they seem to have a hard time with people. Their higher brain functions are seemingly malfunctioning right now as they seek to define themselves. Sen. Mitch McConnell has claimed that the Senate is the best forum as an "incubator of ideas" for this redefinition. Good luck.
One sure mark of a hissy fit is when the higher brain functions can no longer control the lower brain functions of defiance and resistance to reason. Neither is useful in redefinition. The prospects are bleak.
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