In a fire-fight Representative Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and Senator Harry Reid (D-NV) are two people I wouldn’t want beside me. Rep. Pelosi, the Speaker of the House of Representative, would be figuring out how she could parse a compromise while passing out go-to-front-of-the-lines cards for her nearest and dearest comrades. Sen. Reid, the Democratic Majority Leader of the Senate and former boxer, would be wildly punching the air, a punch-drunk fighter blinded by a bloodied face. When the chips were down, they were nowhere to be found.
Ending the Bush-Cheney-Halliburton Iraqi War was the platform on which the Democrats ran and won in 2006. It was a clear mandate. Even the suicidal Republicans accepted the challenge in their support for the BCH War. The Pelosi-Reid excuse for failing to deliver on their promises was that the Republicans and Bush wouldn’t cooperate with them. Weenie City.
Pelosi-Reid claim that Bush has and will veto any war-reduction bill they might send, and that they don’t have enough votes to override a veto. If Bush keeps vetoing war-funding bills, ultimately there will be no money to fund the war. In government, the power of the purse is final.
Hand-wringing Pelosi-Reid fear that the Republicans will call their dirty names and thereby break their bones, shouting that they’re betraying the troops in Iraq or even calling them unpatriotic cowards, all from an AWOL and a draft dodger. It’s time for patriotic politicians to cowboy-up and support the troops by getting them out of Iraq.
Copyright © Dana Prom Smith 2007